中國需求強勁,俄羅斯 ESPO 油價飆升

消息人士稱,9 月份運往中國的 EPSO 原油按船交貨 (DES) 計算,與 ICE 布倫特原油相比,每桶折扣僅為 2-2.50 美元
多位貿易消息人士告訴路透社,中國的強勁需求已導致俄羅斯 ESPO 原油混合物的價格飆升至八個月來的最高水平,因為 ESPO 相對於布倫特原油的折扣處於歐盟去年 12 月對俄羅斯石油進口禁運生效以來的最低水平。

消息人士稱,9 月份運往中國的 EPSO 原油按船交貨 (DES) 計算,與 ICE 布倫特原油相比每桶僅存在 2-2.50 美元的折扣。相比之下,8 月份每桶的折扣約為 4 美元。

一位貿易消息人士告訴路透社,“8 月份的價格已經非常昂貴,但我們驚訝地發現 9 月份貨物的報價以 2 美元的折扣開始。”
中國需求強勁,俄羅斯 ESPO 油價飆升

Strong demand for cheaper Russian crude from China’s independent refiners, competition from Indian refiners, and the OPEC+ supply cuts, including from Russia, have all combined in recent weeks to lift the price of the ESPO crude.

Early this month, the price of Russian ESPO crude jumped to the highest in seven months as Chinese buyers rushed to buy it ahead of a 500,000-bpd cut in exports Russia has pledged for August.

ESPO has been trading consistently above the G7 price cap of $60 per barrel because it is the preferred Russian blend of Chinese refiners. The ESPO blend is lighter and sweeter than the flagship Russian blend Urals, which has normally traded at a more significant discount to Brent crude.  

Despite the recent jump in ESPO prices, the Russian crude grade remains the cheaper option for Chinese refiners because similar grades from West Africa and Brazil are trading at premiums over Brent for deliveries in September and October.   

If the OPEC+ group further reduces supply, the ESPO price could jump again and narrow the discount to around $1 per barrel, an oil trader told Reuters.

above the G7 price cap of $60 per barrel because it is the preferred Russian blend of Chinese refiners. The ESPO blend is lighter and sweeter than the flagship Russian blend Urals, which has normally traded at a more significant discount to Brent crude.  

Despite the recent jump in ESPO prices, the Russian crude grade remains the cheaper option for Chinese refiners because similar grades from West Africa and Brazil are trading at premiums over Brent for deliveries in September and October.   

If the OPEC+ group further reduces supply, the ESPO price could jump again and narrow the discount to around $1 per barrel, an oil trader told Reuters.

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